After planning for an interesting day, I got off to the library only to meet a mean man at the door, whom for the first time was able to beat my "innocent face charm." The feeling of going back home no matter the distance because"I didn't know...."
I walked into my school library only to be stopped at the door. Even after I had shown the receipt required for does that didn’t have the Library ID card yet,
The mean operating officer asked me to move to the other way so others could get through the door.
I kept looking at him questioningly until he said. “Where is the stamped receipt?”
“I have it at home” I replied honestly still not getting any of his gist.
“I can’t allow you in without the stamped school fees receipt” he said.
“But the instruction was to come with your school fees receipt until you get your ID, I dint hear anything about presenting the receipt that was stamped by the library.
He turned to make sure the electronic door was opened every time to the trooping student and to make sure nobody without an ID entered. I stood patiently at the side hoping he would consider me. Some good seconds passed on and he said nothing. Meanwhile some more people piled behind me, obviously being in the same predicament. Most of them left feeling disappointed.
“Excuse me sir” I decided to say something, hoping a little plea might make him understand. “My room is a little far I said, I would love to and get the stamped one but if I did I would be able to come here again and also I had no idea it was the stamped one that was only allowed now.” I said this in the meekest of ways I could ever come up with, using the hope that nobody has ever turned down my innocent face.
Then he turned to me and said coldly “Ignorance is no excuse.” This sentence hit me like a blow because then I was sure he really wasn’t going to admit me into the library. It was like paying my school fees which included the library fees wasn’t enough. I had to be keen to hear and do such information as “bring the stamped receipt.”
After I had planned to spend my whole day studying and writing in the library, it all went down the drain. I couldn’t believe it. And I honestly felt really bad.
That was when I started thinking of what he said. “Is Ignorance really not an excuse???”
Many people suffer in the world today because of ignorance. But the thought is: if you were born in a forest and you didn’t see anyone to take you to a classroom; then there is no miracle that will make you read and write. But the people before us have prepared and gone out of their way to make the world that we come into comfortable and suitable for us to live in. That’s how we are privileged to know all we know. Let us also strive in our little worlds to make as much as we can suitable and disseminate as much information to our future generation and our young ones around us.
So that when they attempt to break a law, or in the midst of their suffering; it will not be because they where ignorant but because they chose to. And if we ever were to punish one as I was punished. That one will not be told that “Ignorance is no excuse.”
1 comment: if d US gov won't let me visit the queen mother and some one ask me..whats the size of the queen mother under pant? What's ignorant to say about that?
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