Friday, 6 January 2017

Happy New Year. Here’s a 3¢ Raise

Academics and labor groups in Thailand have expressed their anger and dismay at the latest hike in the minimum daily wage. At most, it works out to the equivalent of just under 3¢, or 10 baht in local currency, depending on region.

The maximum raise is only applicable to the capital Bangkok and its surrounding provinces, the Bangkok Post reports. In other provinces, the raise will be as low as 1.5¢. Eight provinces will see no adjustment in the minimum wage at all.

“The Labor Ministry should realize many workers normally have many mouths to feed,” Sunee Chaiyaros, a director at the College of Social Innovation of Rangsit University in Greater Bangkok, told the Post.

The meager increases, which are due to take effect next month, represent the first change in the minimum daily wage of $8 since it was introduced in 2013. Thai civil servants, in contrast, received a 4% increase in salary in 2015.

According to the Post, a plate of cooked rice in Thailand costs around 10¢.

“Most employers don’t value their employees’ skills and capacity very highly,” Sunee said.


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