Wednesday, 25 February 2015

I wish I was there

I wish I was there,
 To hold you so tight as to squeeze u into myself
To hold your head in-between my breast, cradled and ensconced from all the pain.
To know and feel  your little tears that  makes its  way  invisibly to my heart
As I yearn to take it away into my heart
To cushion your head and your heart as you listen to my heartbeat and pretend to fall asleep
We both pretend to fall asleep
Then you cry some more of those tears
For such a man you are you wouldn't dare let them wet my skin
But I feel the hurt that stings your heart anyway

I hold  u in the silence  we savor
I let out the tears that you feel on your cheeks
For I was a woman and I felt your pain
You reach for me,
 I felt your thighs and arms squeezing me into itself, in every way it synchronized
It was hard to breath
You were happy I was there
Just like I wished.

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