When all the lights go out, who are we left
with? What really does matter? What gives us the sleepless night and make us
hope inevitably? Our fear, that deep innate desire we go ahead to search for or
do in the time of the night.
I opened my laptop on my bed and adjusted into a position, so I could write something. Writing something makes me feel better; it is like talking to someone or letting out the inner content of your heart candidly without caring about the person in front of you because actually, you just have your writing materials in front of you.
Then I began to reflect on my
day. When everybody was out who where we left with, what was that indulgence
that make us scram to make sure it’s done even if it’s in the night time. Is it
just like mid-night snacking that has to be done by that time, because it is a
treat? What is that last thing that is left on our minds before we turn off the
lights of our consciousness? What is that thing that has to be done secretly
without everyone knowing about it and what makes us do it anyway even when we
fully understand the nature of the consequence.
How many of us will
like our nights to be turned into day? Maybe just to see, how we can be at
night in the light of the day. Now don’t you think that might be our true self?
The one we try so much to hide with darkness. The nights we cry ourselves to
sleep and wake up bracing up to face our Jobs, schools, families e.t.c. The
nights we dream about a great future we expect and paint it delicately with our minds until we actually dream about it or the
night we get afraid of what tomorrow holds.
Deep human reality with multiple dimensions
Deep human reality with multiple dimensions
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